Chinese calligraphy for home school resources, birthday gifts, parents resources and teachers resources Chinese calligraphy for home school resources, birthday gifts, parents resources and teachers resources
Chinese calligraphy for home school resources, birthday gifts, parents resources and teachers resources

Experience the Magic of a RainbowBrush® Show

There’s no better way to inspire a roomful of parents, teachers and students than a live demonstration of the magic of RainbowBrush® markers and Rainbow Art Name Paintings. A RainbowBrush® Show is a creative event where anyone, of any age and ability, can see how simple it is to draw like an artist, even if they have never drawn before.

Everyone loves the exciting, live demonstrations and interactive lessons hosted by the artists. Whether at stores, malls, festivals or in the classroom, Kazi and Cindy draw the crowd every time and more than a few passers-by to their amazing and entertaining demonstrations of name-painting art using tropical animals, flowers and fish.

A RainbowBrush® Show is always a highlight of any special creative class or art program as Kazi and Cindy illustrate the many exciting ways to learn to draw, with lots of fun, smiles and entertainment.

The event lasts less than couple of hours, but the memories last a lifetime! At a RainbowBrush® Show, everyone comes away with inspiration.

If you are interested in organizing a RainbowBrush® Show in your class, library, community center or as part of a special event, please
e-mail us.



       Chinese calligraphy for home school resources, birthday gifts, parents resources and teachers resources

A RainbowBrush® event at Vancouver  Public library by inventor Cindy Ahmed

       Chinese calligraphy for home school resources, birthday gifts, parents resources and teachers resources

Joy of RainbowBrush® drawing 




Kid arts and crafts winter crafts for kids and kids craft project
Chinese calligraphy for home school resources, birthday gifts, parents resources and teachers resources

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